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  Title Copies
Initials and decorative alphabets / Erhardt D. Stiebner, Dieter Urban. 
Year: 1985 
ISBN: 0713716401 
Call No: 686.224 STI 
Printing it : a guide to graphic techniques for the impecunious / Clifford Burke; with illustrations by Chuck Miller. 
Year: 1972 
ISBN: 0914728032 
Call No: 686.2 BUR 
Smith's sewing single sheets : non-adhesive binding volume IV / Keith A. Smith. 
Year: 2001 
ISBN 13: 9780963768261 
Series: Non-adhesive binding; v. IV 
Call No: 686.353 SMI 
Science of printing technology / R. R. Coupe. 
Year: 1966 
Call No: 686.2 COU 
What a compositor should know / by W. H. Slater. 
Year: 1926 
Series: Handbooks on printing subjects ; no. 1 
Call No: 686.225 SLA 
Typography : design and practice / John Lewis. 
Year: 1977 
ISBN: 0214203131 
Call No: 686.22 LEW 
Side sewn oriental bookmaking kit : easy to follow instruction booklet / by Rosemarie Jeffers-Palmer 
Year: 1995 
Call No: 686.35 JEF 
Publisher's cloth : an outline history of publisher's binding in England 1820-1900 / John Carter. 
Year: 1935 
Call No: 686.343 CAR 
Method of making an overcast cloth-jointed endpaper. 
Year: 1996 
ISBN: 0952729121 
Series: Education & training booklet ; No. 1 
Call No: 686.346 MET 
Art nouveau and art deco bookbinding : the French masterpieces 1880-1940 / Alastair Duncan, Georges de Bartha, preface by Priscilla Juvelis. 
Year: 1989 
ISBN: 0500235430 
Call No: 686.302 DUN